Weblog about my emigration to Sint Maarten

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Caribbean culture shock?

Am I going to encounter a culture shock as a white Dutch guy on a tropical island where most people are of African descent? When I look at me and my girlfriend, who is originally from SXM, any stereotypes don't hold. For I am the one that's laid back (okay, I admit, outright lazy when it comes to chores), while she'd never postpone what could be done today. So in that sense, it would seem easier for me to adjust to an allegedly slower Caribbean pace, than it would be for my gf.

Actually, it's a good question how representative she is for the people over there. Sometimes people ask me if we have any cultural 'issues'. The truth is, that I wouldn't really know. Of course, we have arguments now and then (as in every healthy relationship) but whether they derive from culture or personality is often hard to tell.

I know that one thing to watch is the typically Dutch directness in communication. Our bluntness can come across quite rude. Also, we seem to have difficulties 'reading the message in between the lines'. What do ya expect from blunt people - a good taste for nuance?


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